I wanted to try something new and I couldn't resist these little stitchery pillows!
I had some muslin that I tea and coffee dyed with a little bit of vanilla. I couldn't decide if I liked tea dying or coffee dying better soooo I put them together and it's perfect. When you can't decide choose both. The stitcheries were fun to do and making them into little pillows made them come alive. The patters came from Olde Time Stitchin .
I've put more penny rugs on ebay and some dolls with great starting prices for auctions and buy it now.
I think I'll add these pillows too.
Click here to see my ebay offerings.
I found the "love my dog" stitchery at Samantha blog click here to visit her blog...she also has a giveaway going on right now.
Happy Stitching,