Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Sunflower and Bittersweet Table Cloth

I'm making progress on my Sunflower and Bittersweet table cloth.
I used some of the overdyed wools I made.
It's been fun and I couldn't wait to get this far.
I start stitching and I don't want to put it down.

Yesterday I was pressing it and do you see what happened?
Look closely...
There on the side....
No, I didn't get it dirty.
Worse than that.

I burnt the edge of the piece with the iron...I can't believe I did that!
I've been so careful while making this piece!
When you burn it...that's it.
Live and Learn I'll never do that again.
So my table cloth will be a little smaller then I wanted it to be.
Thank goodness I made the base a little larger than the pattern called for.

I'm hoping to overdye more wool this week.
I need some yellow tones and reds and maybe more greens and oranges.
I feel if I'm dyeing wool I should do a bunch because it takes a long time
 to wait for the wool to soak up the dye. If I'm waiting on one color why not wait on several colors.
I'm so impatient I can't wait to see the new colors.

Enjoy your day,


  1. Hey! Im hosting a Easter Swap! You should come hop in on the fun!



  2. Leanne your piece is just beautiful. Is it too late to try either of these tricks on the scorch mark?

    ~Soak an old, separate cloth in hydrogen peroxide. Place it over the scorch mark. Iron the two pieces of fabric with an iron set on low. Continue to do it until the scorch mark disappears or lightens.

    ~Moisten a soft cloth with white vinegar. Rub it into the scorch mark and then rub a cloth soaked in cold water over the scorch mark. Continue until the scorch mark disappears or lightens. Some people will soak a cloth in white vinegar, place it over the scorch mark and then iron lightly over the scorch mark to remove it.

  3. Thanks for the tips, Maureen! I haven't done anything with this piece yet...just looking at the bun mark. I will try your tip. I'll let you know what happens.

  4. My fingers are crossed for you!

  5. Lovely work Leanne, looking forward to reading more of your blog.. Love, Rosie in Australia

  6. That is just beautiful! Even with the burn mark.

    Prim Blessings,


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