Sunday, March 27, 2011

C&PLG Giveaway!!!

The Country and Primitive Ladies Group...C&PLG is having a giveaway!

This Cute Little Raggedy Doll can be yours just click on the picture and she will take you to the C&PLG Blog site for the easy directions on how to win her.
Hurry because the drawing is April 1st!

This Cute Raggedy Doll was made by Pat of Yellow Sweet Potato.
I think she makes the cutest dolls!  Her faces are always full of expression! 
You can find Pat's creations on the C&PLG Blog just click on the yellow sweet potato page.
She has a REALLY cute Ice Cream Doll for have to take a look!

Shhhh, don't tell Pat this but the drawing for this Cute Little Raggedy Doll is on April 1st... Pat's Birthday!
So please leave a Birthday Wish to Pat under the comments of this giveaway post on the C&PLG Blog.

I hope you win, well you all can't win but I hope someone from my blog wins,

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