Thursday, March 31, 2011

I'm Dyeing Here...Wool That Is

Yesterday was dyeing day.
I have all this wool and most of it is grey or some shade close to grey.

I normally use rit dye to color my wool.  I have used koolaid or food coloring when I was in a pinch.
I do my dyeing in the kitchen so I have to cover everything up.
I started with, you don't have to use ice cream buckets like I did but it sure is fun to have ice cream parties just to get the empty buckets.
I had 6 different colors...yellow, lime green, red, orange, hunter green and blue.
I did have 2 extra containers to mix colors.
Mix the colors with hot water and let sit.
 Yellow, plum, lime green and red.
I mixed red and blue for plum.
I put the box in front of the bucket so I don't forget what color is in the bucket.
Hunter green, orange and blue.
I did make a yellow green mixing the lime green and yellow.
The hunter green looked purple so I wasn't sure what I was going to get.
Gather your wool.
I put the wool in hot water and soaked it while I was getting the dye ready...about half an hour.
I let the wool sit in their color bath for about an hour to an hour and a half.
At this point I'm going to tell you to use gloves not the kind of gloves I used that had holes in them.
I finally took off the gloves and just used my hands.
I washed my hands often and used purel so they didn't get to colored. 
I rinsed the fabric and then to the wash machine for a quick wash.
I don't want my colors to run on my finished pieces.
Into the dryer and this is what you get....
 Blues and greens.
 More greens and yellows.
Oranges and plums.
Some wools take the dye better then others but you won't know how your wool will take the dye until you try it...I think that's what makes it fun.
The colors are a little darker then what is showing up.
 This is the same grey herringbone.
 I just love how you can get a rainbow of colors in just one afternoon.
I couldn't wait to use my new colors.

I hope this inspires you to start dyeing...
you will love it!
Don't forget to become one of my followers.
Enjoy your day,


  1. Hi Leanne
    I love your colors of dyeing. Excellent job. I am hoping to try dyeing this summer! Thank you for sharing.

  2. Those turned out so pretty and I especially like the first step of your process. Eating ice cream to get the buckets!! :)I better get to work

  3. This process is amazing. And the finished product is gorgeous. I have some "white" mohair I purchased a while ago. I used an airbrush for my most recent creation, Link. But I have to muster up the courage to dye the rest of the mohair.. so your blog is especially helpful. Thanks!

  4. I love the wonderful pastel shades you got from the same wool. I sent you an email with my red violet formula. I use Cushing dyes.

    Definitely gotta agree with Mo, that eating the ice cream to get the buckets would be fun. My dye pot is an old stew pot, and I dye the values in canning jars(quart wide mouth).


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