Thursday, March 24, 2011

Chocolate Chip Cookies

So I did an experiment.

Saturday, I put out a plate of fresh baked chocolate chip cookies on the island.

How long will it take my family to eat a plate of chocolate chip cookies?

I usually don't make cookies outside of Christmas but I just felt like making cookies.

Kids were coming from everywhere.
Jack had 2 friends over and they told me they could smell the cookies baking.
Brett came home and asked what was wrong and why was I baking cookies.
Brian ran came downstairs because he smelt something good.

So how long did it take my family to eat this plate of cookies?
1 minute 23 seconds and not a crumb left!

Enjoy your day,


  1. Leanne, I LOVE chocolate chip cookies, as does my family. They wouldn't have lasted long here, either! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!... Donna


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