Wednesday, March 23, 2011

OverDyeing Wool and A New Project

I've read that overdyeing wool can be addictive but how could that be?
Well I just tried it for the first time and I get it!
Mixing colors and mixing wools...each wool takes the dye differently.
You don't know what you piece will look like until it's all dry.
How fun is that!
A surprise when you open the dryer!
A good surprise...not one of those bad surprises when you didn't check the pockets and a red pen ends up in the dryer with red spots on your clothes and dryer...not fun.

Using the newly dyed wool in a project.
I bought this pattern while on girls weekend.
I can't wait to fininsh it. I usually don't use patterns for my penny rugs.
I'll show it off when it's finished.
Enjoy your day,

1 comment:

  1. You are motivating me to get some done! I've had dye here for a year and too afraid to try it!!! Your pieces came out wonderful!


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