Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Let's Have a Little Giveaway!!!!

There's a reason why I haven't been here lately.
I've been outside...
the flowers are in bloom,  the sun is shining, the temps are almost in the 70's.
Who wouldn't want to go outside?

I'd like to celebrate the nice weather with a little giveaway.
It will be the penny rug I'm working on right now so I can't show you a picture yet.
Let's keep this real easy...
Leave a comment
become a follower and
 live in the United States.
I'll pick a winner on Wednesday, May 18th.

I'll show you a picture when I get the penny rug done.

I just listed some things on ebay. Click here to see them.

A wine colored penny rug.
 A punchneedle Sunflower picture.
 A couple of Sunflower pillows.

 Lacrosse and Baseball season has's a little late due to the wet weather this spring.
Number 11 is my favorite player!
I don't have a picture of Jack in his baseball uniform yet.
It's fun watching you, Jack!

Enjoy your day,


  1. Lovely work...I'm from Canada so I'm just shouting hello!!

  2. Well, I live in the USA and wool is my favorite thing. Marie

  3. I'd love to be entered in your generous giveaway!I'm a USA follower. I've been enjoying the beautiful weather's been great! Thanks & have a great week!

  4. Hi Leanne!
    Your work is so beautiful and I would love the chance to be entered into this most gracious giveaway! Happy Spring! ~.~

  5. Leanne,
    OOH! A penny rug giveaway. I have always wanted one. I am a follower now and live in the USA. Please enter me in your giveaway. I will post this on my sidebar.
    Country at heart

  6. Me, Me! I Love your work! Please sign me up too :0)
    Jaja tjlburke at gmail dot com

  7. Hi Leanne,
    That penny rug is so cute!
    I am a follower.
    I will post to my sidebar.
    And now that the rain has stopped I am headed outside!
    Enjoy your evening,

  8. I am a follower and would love to be entered in your giveaway....I adore penny rugs immensely!
    Thanks for the chance.
    patti :)

  9. Oh Yah!
    enter me please, they are so pretty!
    I hope I win and isn't our weather been wonderful for a change!!


  10. Just wanted to say hello from the UK and let you know your penny rug and punch needle picture are so sweet!

  11. I had commented on the penny rug giveaway but it was lost. Please enter me in the giveaway. I have been wanting one for awhile now.
    I will repost on my sidebar. I am a follower.
    Country at heart

  12. Hi hon, I'm a new follower and would love to be entered in your giveaway. Anxious to see you're finished rug. I'm a legal US resident too:) Your #11 reminds me of mine when he was that age and playing soccer and baseball.
    Our nice weather is teetering right on the edge at staying. It's been jumping back and forth, hot to cold... ac to heater... LOL.
    Thank you!

  13. I would love to be entered in your giveaway! All your work is just beautiful!!


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