Friday, May 13, 2011

It's Time For A Giveaway And.....

Well there have been blog problems here in blog land.
It seems like I wasn't the only one to have posting and comment issues.
If you commented on my last post for the what I'm working on now giveaway please look to make sure your comment is still on there.  I only have a few and I know I had way more then what is showing up.

Here's the giveaway information....
I'd like to celebrate the nice weather with a little giveaway.

It will be the penny rug I'm working on right now so I can't show you a picture yet.
Let's keep this real easy...
1. Leave a comment
2. become a follower and
3. live in the United States.
I'll pick a winner on Wednesday, May 18th.
I'll show you a picture when I get the penny rug done....maybe!

I listed some new items on ebay
Click here to see what I have to offer.

Click on the pictures to see the auctions.

I finished a few pillows....
I'm a basket collector...are you?
I love this wool flowers pillow.
I listed a few penny rugs.
A scrappy one in navy blue.
 A pretty summer beige.
I love the colors in this wine colored one.
I added a few coaster sets.
I just love the penny rug pattern in these coasters.
I love the colors.

Don't forget to sign up for my giveaway!

Enjoy your day,


  1. Yes, I was having a problem with my blog today too! Hopefully they have fixed the problem. I would LOVE to be entered in your giveaway. I AM a follower and do live in the good ole US of A. Thanks so much! Have an AWESOME DAY!!

  2. I think blogger was down for a day or so. I did post a comment on the giveaway but it is now gone.
    I would like to be entered in the giveaway and I will post on my sidebar.
    Country at heart

  3. I would love to be entered in your lovely giveaway. I am a follower of your blog I live inthe grand ole USA!

  4. I would love to be entered in your give away.Thanks so much. I will keep my fingers crossed.

  5. Pretty pretty! I love the little extra decorative stitch you added to them:)

  6. Hi Leanne, I would LOVE to be entered in your giveaway. Blogland has been ornery for a bit but it seems like they have it fixed now.


I love hearing from my fun and crafty friends.