Thursday, September 3, 2009

Looking Forward to....

Packers Football!!!!Tonight is the last preseason game.
Look who's on the cover of this weeks Sport Illustrated.
Yep, that's our quarterback, Aaron Rodgers.
I like watching the Packers...
I get a lot of stitching done...the better the game the faster I stitch.
It's when I try new appetizer recipes...
you know everything taste better while watching the Packer game.

Wouldn't it be fun to try to make this?
The best part of watching the Packers....
it brings the family together.
Go Packers,


  1. Oh my lands! I just found your blog through Thrifty Decor Chick, and I have to say.....this is too amazing not to comment! Very very nice!!! I'm going to have to study that picture to figure out how you did it!

  2. This Ozarks farm chick is not a big football fan, but Hubby is all "GO...CHIEFS!" I would watch a whole game just to make this gorgeous appetizer and call it a party. Ya'll have a very blessed day!!!

  3. Well I am a Minnesota Viking fan and how did you like the Monday Night Football Game with the Vikings & Packers...I loved it and it is so great having Brett on our team....Just had to do that! 2 of my grandchildren live in Madison and are very big Packer fans...One is 12 and the other 9...I love to tease them about the sports...Loved that appetizer you made....Give out the recipe and directions please


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