Thursday, August 6, 2009

What does a boy do on a summer day?

Have a garage sale!
Welcome to Jack's Big Garage Sale!
Jack is the one in the blue shirt and white baseball cap.
Jack found some friends to help.
Notice the scarves...they help direct customers to the sale.
He wanted to offer valet parking but you need a drivers licence for that.
This all started when Jack wanted to have a lemonade stand. He thought why stop at lemonade...I could sell some of my stuffed animals and t-shirts. What about some of my baby books, and old soccer balls.
An entrepreneur is born!
Yes, he sold lemonade at the garage sale.
Happy Summer,


  1. So Cute, did you do well? Have a great rest of your summer. Jaja

  2. Haha! Valet parking for the garage sale! What a wonderful idea. :)
    Nice to meet you and thanks for the laugh!

  3. Oh my gosh look how he has grown!!!That boy is going to go far with his big ideas! Valet it!!!


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