Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What Am I Working On?

Penny Rugs!
I have been cutting out circles, circles and more circles. I not real fond of cutting them out but I love the stitching. Do you see my wool pieces? I love collecting wool for my penny can never have too many pieces of wool.
Back to stitching!


  1. Penney rugs is a new one for me but then I'm not crafty, I bet they are pretty with all the colors of wool. I also like the Valentine Annie. Adorable!

  2. I am not very crafty! Will yuo show us your penney rug when finished so I will know what to look for in teh future. Thanks...Debbie

  3. Hello! I'm here from Applestone Cottage. I'm a fellow Wisconsinsite! I live in Watertown.

    Las Vegas is one of my favorite Vacation spots now. Baldyman and I drove there 2 years ago and now its an every May destination. We continue to drive. Last May we took all our 5 grown children and grandchildren. Hopefully this May they are joining us once again. I LOVE it there.

    Your Annies are adorable!

  4. I went to look at your Annies on Ebay..and I'm confused. Are those the dolls for sale or patterns?

  5. Oh, your blog makes me miss sewing. I used to love to sew until I took up my silk floral business. Now it seems all my creative energy goes towards that. Love your rugs and LOVE the wool and colors! :)

    Isn't Bellagio unreal??

  6. I've not heard of a penny rug.
    Love all the bright warm color you used.
    I can't wait to see the finished product. :)

  7. I want to see the finished product.

  8. What exactly are penny rugs? they look col from the circles. Are they actual rugs?


I love hearing from my fun and crafty friends.