Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Mini Shopping Trip

I had to go on a mini shopping trip because....
February is my turn to host Bunco!
Since Valentine's Day is coming up and most of my dishes are white or black I have my colors. I really need a runner for my island and this toile will be perfect. I couldn't pass up the little ruffled plate or valentine napkins at very bargain prices. I'm still trying to figure our what kind of drinks and appetizers for the evening. I know I am making cupcakes for sure...I haven't made them in years but I found some great recipes that I couldn't resist.

I had to purchase these cute little frames for my punchneedle projects...again bargain prices. I have a ladybug punchneedle picture in the works. I love this color green for my penny rugs...not on sale but I have a hard time finding this color so I bought it all. It's been so cold here that if I stitch at night it keeps my fingers warm. lol

I finished this little cutie today. I had to make an Annie for Valentine's day.
It's Annie's holiday with the red hair and all the love she shares.
I just love the chocolate looking necklace.
I'm off to do laundry!...or I think I hear my sewing machine calling!


  1. Hi Leanne,
    You did really well on your shopping trip. A good idea for a valentines appetizer could be baked brie with a cranberry chutney poured over it. The colors would certainly work. Have a great party.

  2. Hi Leanne,
    Those are some cute little shopping finds. I love looking at other people's bargains. love the valentine napkins. Cindy( stay warm)

  3. Cute Annie. Great stuff too. Mishelle

  4. Aww! She's cute.
    I love the frames you found. :)

  5. Kathleen, the baked brie is a perfect idea! I will definetly try it!


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