Sunday, December 21, 2008

Below Zero Temps

What else do you do when you have below zero temps and it's a few days before Christmas? Decorate cookies!!!
Do you think we have enough sugar and jimmies on our cookies?

Many of the cookie cutters I used were my Grandma's. I remember decorating them when I was a child.
This is the house that Jack built. This is his first time building and decorating a Gingerbread House.

He was getting pretty good at using a pastry bag.

Almost done.
If I don't use all the decorating candy can I eat what's left?


  1. Hi Leeanne,

    Thanks so much for stopping by my new blog. It's always nice to meet new blog friends. You're always welcome! :)

    It is really cold in Wisconsin. ~WOW~
    The cookies sure look fun and delicious. I'll have to make some soon.

    Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas.

    ~Warmly, Melissa :)

  2. What a cute smile! Looks like he did a great job! Those cookies sure looked yummy. :-) Susan


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