Friday, December 19, 2008

3 Seasons Porch

Snowmen, snowmen and more snowmen. This is what I see when I sit at the kitchen table and look out the window.
See the large snowman with the red coat...he is catching snowflakes with his tongue.

My little snowman tree.

You can see some of my CPLG ornie exchange ornaments.

You can never have too many ornaments!!!!


  1. Wow what a collection. So cute... I saw you visited Seattle. I live way North of Seattle but work near Seattle. I am glad you liked it. Should be glad your not here now. !10 inches of. snow it is pretty but i cannot drive in it. lol. thanks for visitig my blog. mishelle

  2. Love your tree sweetie!
    And stop by my blog cause you've been -- TAGGED!

  3. I went back and look at some of your older blogs. I love the darling things that you make.
    What a neat enclosed porch you have.


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