Monday, June 6, 2011

Oh What a Beautiful Day....

It's raining no it's pouring...
but it's still a Beautiful day to me!
 I haven't been here lately because it's been crazy around here...
Not a good crazy...
but a bad crazy.
I have been spending time visiting my brother in the hospital.
He is my only sibling an we are very close.
We even live only a few miles from each other.

Because of prayers from many, many people from all over the world...
 he's healthy and he's back home.

 Believe in the power prayer!

Your voice will be heard!!!

Treasure each day!

Take time to be thankful!
So you see why...
It's a Beautiful Day!!!

Enjoy your day,


  1. So Happy for the good news Leanne, God Is Good ! and there are so many good people that do care in this world. We should always lift each other to the highest level because we are ALL GOD'S CHILDREN....Blessings to you Jaja

  2. So glad your brother is well
    Blessings to you and your family !!!

  3. I am so with you on this. I am glad your brother is at home. Hugs to all of you!


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