Wednesday, June 22, 2011

A Little Shopping Trip...

First I wanted to show you what I just listed on ebay....

These hand stitched Penny Rug Candle Mats.

 These are made from wool...
the wool that I dyed earlier this spring.
 I just love how these turned out.
 And they were fun to stitch!
I know I'm going to make more of these.

Now to share the goodies from my shopping trip....

Jack number 11 in blue was in a lacrosse tournament this weekend
and it happened to be about 10 minutes away from one of my favorite
fabric stores.

In between one of the games I made a quick trip to JJ Stitches.
I got some new patterns.

And I also stopped in A Day In The Country for some
supplies for punchneedle with wool yarn.
I tried a little sunflower mat this spring and I've been wanting to make more for
my craft fairs this fall.

Happy Crafting,

1 comment:

  1. I have always wanted to go to JJ Stitches! Hopefully one day I will get there...
    Lovely finishes!
    Blessings, Patti


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