Wednesday, February 3, 2010

What You Looking At?

Isn't that the perfect title for this picture?
We have a small patch of woods in the back of our yard and the deer come to visit once in a while. I think they come all year long but I only notice them when there is snow on the ground.
Yesterday morning we had a fresh inch of snow with on and off snow all day long. I'm thinking of spring but the snow was so beautiful I couldn't stop looking out the windows.
What's that? We had 6 deer in the yard yesterday but only three came up on top of the hill.
I love watching the deer.

I hope they're eating the weeds...I really need help with the weeds.
By the time the school bus came they were gone.
Have a peaceful day,


  1. So awesome! Deer are so pretty this time of year, we live on a farm and have lots of wildlife throughout our place, so neat!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hey Leeanne,
    It reminds me of or place! Oh yah, we both live in Wisconsin! Great pics! Cindy

  3. How lovely-picture perfect!
    We don't get to see anything like that in the Emerald Isles:)
    Blessings, Shazy x

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog and signing up for the giveaway. I've been wanting to order those read and white polka dot cupcake holders too.


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