Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cold Winter Stitching

Wind chills here are below zero but it's sunny.
My sewing machine is in the shop and I really miss it.
I thought I would do some hand stitching...more penny rugs.
First I needed some different wool...I love, love, love fabric shopping.
It's not easy finding 80-100 percent wool and when I do find it the price is up there. I hit the jackpot! I found some beautiful plaids and nice thick solids. I came home and felted it right away. Felting is the process of bonding the fibers of wool together or you could say I shrunk my fabric. I like the word felting better it just sounds so creative not like it was a mistake. Don't you just love the look and feeling of felted wool? It's so soft and aged looking like it has a history.
I made this penny rug for Valentine's Day.
I'm waiting for a vase of flowers to set right on top.
I made this little mitten penny rug out of a sweater that I shrunk, yes shrunk. It was my son's and I think it was worn once or twice before it was snuck in the wash and in the dryer with a several pair of jeans.
When life gives you a little sweater make a penny rug!
Keep warm,


  1. Hi, I really love your woolwork-I have recently taken a real notion for wool but unfortunately in Northern Ireland we don't have much choice. Hope you don't mind me asking, but did you felt the penny mat from wool clothing? If so, I must trawl a few charity shops:)
    Thanks for showing, Shazy x

  2. Leanne this is so pretty! Love the precious snowman.

    Thank you for entering my Spring giveaway my friend. It was nice to see a sweet comment from you.

    Stay warm! Brrr...~Melissa :)

  3. Your mitten is delightful, what a great idea for shrunken sweaters


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