Friday, May 8, 2009

What does baseball, sausages and Danny Gokey have in common?

Miller Park
What do you do on a beautiful Friday night?
Go to
Miller Park
to watch the Brewers play ball.
It started with an idea....
This would make a perfect spot for a ball park.
Miller Park is the second ball park built on this spot...I just love this picture of Jack.

Miller Park
It has a retractable roof so we can take any kind of weather Mother Nature throws at us. This was the perfect idea because spring in Wisconsin can look a lot like winter. It's not that fun watching a baseball game in the cold and snow.

Ready to play ball.

Time for the racing sausages...
Polish (2), Brat (1), Chorizo (5), Italian (3) and the Hot Dog (4)

Go Dog Go

Today is Danny Gokey in Milwaukee.
He is singing the National Anthem tonight at the Brewers-Cubs game.
He will throw out the first pitch at the game too.
Go Brewers!
Go Danny!


  1. Tonight is Kris Allen night in Ark! GO KRIS. They are both so talented, and no matter what happens, Kris and Danny are going to be around for a long time! laurie (in Arkansas)

  2. A friday night baseball game sounds like fun. Great looking stadium.
    Thats funny about the sausages racing.
    I think Danny is really a good singer.
    Have fun.

  3. Oh Leeann,
    I am rooting for Danny too! Us Wisconsinites have to stick together! It's been quite awhile since I saw the brewers play, do you remember when the sausage got run over by a player? I think it was a player but it wasn't pretty. Cindy

  4. Looks like you had a fun evening. Those sausages crack me up!

  5. Happy Mother's Day!

    You won giveaway Day 4 from Desert Soapstone :)

    Please email me with you address.



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