Friday, May 15, 2009

Today is...Funky Hair Day

Today is Funky Hair and Hat day. It took two large handfuls of gel. Tons of hair spray. Some blow drying.
Red hairspray. White hairspray.
And a boy with an idea.

I just love days like this.
Jack asked me if you could wear his hair like this for his baseball game...I told he sure if you can get your cap on.

Don't you think it would be fun if adults could have a funky hair or hat day?

Have a Happy Friday,


  1. Well Mom, you did it, and what a creation it is! That looks like it was a lot of work! I'm sure he got enough comments that this day will stand out in his memory forever, and so will his great mom for helping him accomplish it! It is funky! laurie

  2. Gee, I have funky hair days without even trying. lol. My hair stands up like that in the mornings when I get up.
    That is hilarious with the different colors. Fun that he can do that.

  3. Hi
    I found your blog from blog hopping today :)
    Thought Id say Hi!
    :) Candy


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