Saturday, April 23, 2011

A Family Tradition Continues....

Easter is near and I thought I would share this old post with you.
It makes me laugh everytime I think about.
I'll share a picture of our lamb today at the end of this story.

This is the lamb cake my mother-in-law makes for Easter.
It's a tradition in my husbands family. The lamb is perfect for Easter and the cake is real yummy.
My husband loves the cake so much that we had to start our own tradition.
"The day before Easter you get to eat the Keaster."
This year I let him start it on Friday...big mistake...more than the keaster is gone.

We have 11 people coming for Easter brunch and the lamb cake was going to be my dessert.
 Do you think I have enough?????

Problem solved!
We met my mother-in-law at church on Easter and told her how much of the lamb cake was gone. She brought hers over and twin lamb cakes...with no keasters.
I knew that would make you laugh.

This years lamb cake.

We started the lamb on Friday afternoon and this is what it looks like on Saturday morning.
We are not hosting Easter this year.
I don't need to save the lamb for dessert so I really don't care how much the family eats.
Do you think we'll have any left on Easter?
I don'

Enjoy your Easter,


  1. OH MY GOSH that's just too funny! Sounds like a terrific Easter celebration :)

  2. Hi Leanne!! What a hoot! I love your two-headed lamb! I am sending you over to my friend Linda at Nina's Nest for her equally disturbing lamb cake story..
    You two need to meet!!! lol Hope you had a good Easter...hugs...Debbie

  3. That is so funny. The cake looks delicious!!

  4. Hysterical... I love the cake!

  5. Leeanne,
    That is the funniest and aren't you clever girl! Cindy

  6. Very cute...
    It is a work of art that cake...

  7. Hi Leanne, your lamb is adorable! Debbie told me about it. You need to come over to Nina's Nest and check out my lamb cake - his head fell off! Fortunately I repaired him! Linda

  8. What a cute Easter story. I love the lamb cake!

  9. Leanne this tooo funny!
    HAHA! I love it! :)

  10. Hi I happened upon your blog and now I'm giggling. Thank you. Those lambs are really cute!

  11. Hi Leanne,
    You had asked me earlier about painting the medallion in our dining room.

    It actually came that color. It's kind of a deep Bronze that's a perfect match to the light fixture.
    For $20 dollars I just love the look it adds.

    Let us see if you put one in on yours!

    Have a wonderful week.
    ~Merlissa :)

  12. The perfect lamb cake! Meets you comin' and goin' Looks really delish!


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