Sunday, April 26, 2009

Do you play LaCrosse in the rain?

YES!!!My son Jack is trying a new sport....lacrosse.
Here he is all geared up and ready to play.
This is the first game this team has ever played.
See how shiny and wet the parking lot looks. It's been raining and pouring the whole morning with no sign of sunshine.
Still raining.
It was about 57 degrees and pouring rain for most of the game.

I think the ball is somewhere in the puddle.
Well, Jack says he loves playing lacrosse. He said it was the most fun game he has ever played. If you can play the game in the rain, playing the best team in the area, loosing 15-0 and still say I love this game well I guess you do.
Jack, I'm just happy you can play something you love.
Baseball games start next week...another game he loves playing.
I'll be spending most of time at the lacrosse fields and ball park watching my favorite player.
See you at the game,


  1. They dont care about rain, sleet or snow. LOL They just want to have fun. Even with the rain it looks absolutely beautiful & green there. Have a great week. :)

  2. Looks like the kids are having a great time. Did mom watch the game with an umbrella??


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