Monday, December 29, 2008

I've Been Tagged

I've been tagged by Debbie of Simple Country Blessings. Debbie is a CPLG sister.

Here are the rules:
Rule #1 ~ Link to the person that tagged you.

Rule #2 ~ Post the rules on your Blog.

Rule #3 ~ Write 6 random things about yourself.

Rule #4 ~ Tag 6 people at the end of your post.

Rule #5 ~ Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their Blog.

Rule #6 ~ Let the tagger know your entry is up.

Okay 6 things about me:

1. I love my family, I have a great husband and 3 really good sons. I feel blessed to be able to call them my family.

2. I love fabric...I can't go into a fabric store without touching half of the fabrics and yes, I almost always buy!

3. Cheesecake is my downfall. I have yet to find a cheesecake I don't like!

4. I like to snow blow and shovel. This is a good thing since I live in Wisconsin.

5. I turned 50 this year...I've been told 50 is the new 30 so I'm sticking to that.

6. I got Rock Band for my birthday. I have had a blast with this present. I can't play the drums or guitar but I love singing with the microphone. I can't sing but the game doesn't know that! As long as I keep the game on easy I can almost finish a song without getting booed.

Now I'm tagging:
Simply Sweet Stitches
Somewhere Only We Know
Primitive Betty's
The Bliss Journey


  1. Great answers Leanne!

    ~Happy New year to you and yours. :)

  2. Thanks for the tag Leanne! Not sure I know of 6 different bloggers to tag myself though lol!

  3. Leanne, Thanks for stopping by my blog to say Hello.
    I just love the way you did "TAG". It looks so cute ad neat. That a cute idea.
    I will come back and finish reading your blog later but wanted to complement you on yours.

  4. I like your answers, Leanne. I heard that 50 is the new 30...I don't know that I believe it I turned 63 in August and some days it feels like 83. Oh well, just happy I am here to see another day!!!


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