Monday, May 5, 2008


I found some new patriotic fabrics and when I added them to the fabrics I had well, I just had to make some Annies. These Annies are just on time for the summer. This first one is made with a pattern from Patties Ratties.
This Annie is just a cutie with her round head and wild hair! I made her with a pattern from Sweet Meadows Farm...with my own touches.
This Annie is my favorite! I designed her myself! I just love the fabrics I used to make her dress! And her wild hair! Can you tell I'm into hair...I used to be a hairdresser. The weather is so nice I'm starting to think about summer!

1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh what cute doll babies I LOVE em, I am a ragdoll freak lol, Carm


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